DiSC Classic Products available in the UK & Ireland

ITDA Retail Price List – Effective July 1st, 2022 until further notice

Prices shown are for EPIC account holders or MSF (managed service fee) for non-EPIC account holders

We offer discounts for both quantity and accredited users

Item Description EPIC MSF
DiSC® Classic 2.0 UK (**AWAITING PRICE CONFIRMATION**) £63.75 £68.75
DiSC® Classic Team View Report Free Free
DiSC® Classic Facilitator Report £106.25 £111.25
DiSC® Classic Group Culture Report £106.25 £111.25
DiSC® Classic Facilitation System Version 3.5 £995.00 £995.00


EPIC is continuously expanding with validated language versions.
Please call to obtain up-to-date information.


We offer discounts for quantity and to accredited/certified users.

To order any items from this price list, please
email contact@itda.com or telephone +44(0)800 677 1174

All prices are subject to VAT at the appropriate prevailing rate.

We accept payment by BACS, Faster Payment, International Electronic Transfer