An online event for HR professionals

2nd April at 1:00pm

Embracing a multigenerational workforce

The HR Hour is designed to foster collaboration among HR leaders. This forum is your opportunity to meet with your peers, share ideas, and explore the latest trends in personal development.

Each month, we will select a ‘hot topic’ and facilitate discussion and debate, encouraging the exchange of knowledge among a trusted group of peers.

Why The HR Hour?

For over 30 years, the team at ITDA has had the privilege of collaborating with remarkable professionals in the field of HR. Even the most resilient leaders can face their own challenges, and it can feel isolating to balance business demands with employee needs. That’s why we created the HR Hour.

Who should attend?

HR professionals, managers, aspiring leaders, this is a confidential safe space, your online ‘watercooler corner’ offering a unique opportunity to come together in a supportive online environment, facilitating the exchange of ideas.

Join us to connect, share, and grow.

Recent events

After each event we report on key points from the discussion, adding links to further reading. You can catch up through the links below:

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Understand yourself. Understand others. Manage the difference.

Get in touch

Find out more about the HR Hour

Call us, send us an email or fill in the form.

+44 (0)800 677 1174